Category Archives: Blog

How To Reset WordPress Admin Password?

Reset WordPress Admin Password via Dashboard

This assumes that you have access to your admin site and you only want to change the password.

Step 1. Log in to your WordPress Dashboard.

Step 2. Located at the top right corner of your WordPress Dashboard is “Howdy, (your name)”. Hover your mouse and select Edit My Profile.

Step 3.  Scroll down and look for Account Management.

Step 4. Click Generate Password button next to New Password.

Step 5. You may either copy the unique generated password or type in your desired password.

Step 6. Click Update Profile button.

Reset WordPress Admin Password via Forgot Your Password link

This is assumes that you know the username or email address you are using for the WordPress admin site but does not know the password or forgot it.

Step 1. You may reset your wp-admin password using ‘lost your password’ option via
Step 2.  Click on ‘Lost your password?’ link.

Step 3. Enter your WordPress administrative username. If you have forgotten the username, you may enter your email address which is used with your administrative account. Click on Get New Password once the username or email address is entered.

Step 4. Next, login to your email account which is set as your administrative WordPress email contact. You will find the email with the password reset confirmation URL.

Step 5. Enter the new password or copy the system generated password and click on Reset Password.



You may now log in using the username or email address and new password.


Reset WordPress Admin Password via phpMyAdmin in cPanel

Follow the steps below if you do not remember the email address and password you are using for your WordPress admin. Before you proceed, it is highly suggested to back up your website files and database.

(Note: WordPress directory, database name and WordPress prefix in the images below are only examples. Make sure to locate the correct information for your WordPress website.)

Step 1. Log in to the cPanel.

cPanel-Login | FTP password

Step 2. If you already know your database name, proceed to Step 7. Click on File Manager under Files panel.


Step 3. Locate  your WordPress directory.

Step 4. Look for wp-config.php file, right click on it and select View.

Step 5. Locate your DB_NAME and take note of your database name.

Step 6. Go back to your cPanel Home.


Step 7. Click on phpMyAdmin under Databases panel.Import and export database


Step 8. Locate your WordPress database name and click wp-users.



Step 9. You will see the WordPress users list on this page. Choose the associated username and press ‘Edit’. (Tip: You may also follow the steps in Forgot Password if the email address that is shown in the database is still accessible.)

Step 10. Enter a new password then select MD5 from the drop-down menu in user_pass line. Once done, click on ‘Go’.

Step 11. Scroll down and click “Go”.

If you are not confident to make any of the modifications mentioned above, you may have our Application Support Engineers help you with an ad-hoc fee per request.